[Zope] ZSearch generated default report file fails on result set cardinality greater 50 for content which contains www addresses

Andreas Rippel arippel@informatik.uni-kl.de
Fri, 04 Aug 2000 10:56:56 +0200

Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Andreas Rippel writes:
>  > I came across the situation, where the result rows of a Z SQL access
>  > contained www strings like
>  > www.uni-ko-ld.de/veranstaltungen/lehramt.html, see below.
>  > Using ZSearch generated dtml-methods generated the following html code,
>  > when the result set contains more
>  > than 50 items. See the generated reference for the next items
>  > <a
>  > href="www.uni-ko-ld.de/veranstaltungen/lehramt.html?fach=%25&hochschule=%25&SUBMIT=Submit+Query&query_start=51">,
>  > which didn't refer to the running zope environment. Instead it merged
>  > address stuff from a result row.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I expect that your table contains a column with the same name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as the DTML-variable used to build the navigation (URL, I think).
> "dtml-in" brings the column names of your rows in the namespace.
> they hide their other variables defined outside the "dtml-in".
> If you can, rename your database column.
> If you cannot, build your own DTML methods for testing by customizing
> the DTML methods generated by the Z Search Interface.
> Z SQL methods have the argument "src__" (in 2.2, there
> is something for tests too). It gives you the generated SQL,
> without executing it.
> Dieter
This was exactly the reason.
