[Zope] Another permission mapping error... [still ZDiscussions 0.5.3]

J M Cerqueira Esteves jmce@artenumerica.com
Mon, 21 Aug 2000 16:24:06 +0100

On Mon, Aug 21, 2000 at 05:03:37PM +0200, Wolfgang Strobl wrote:
> I just tried installing a freshly downloaded copy of 
> YihawDirectory.zexp into a relatively new 2.2.1b1, but in vain.
> <snip>
> Error Type: Permission mapping error
> Error Value: Attempted to map a permission to a permission, 
> Add Yihaw Objects, that is not valid. This should never happen. (Waaa). 
> <snip>

I've also met a "permission mapping error" in 2.2.1b1... After correcting the
ZDiscussions comma bug mentioned before, I tried to import
ZDiscussions.zexp, continuing the installation process, and got:

        Error Type: Permission mapping error
        Error Value: Attempted to map a permission to a permission, Add
        ZDiscussions Items, that is not valid. This should never happen.

with the following traceback:

Traceback (innermost last):
  File /usr/local/lib/Zope-2.2.1b1/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 222, i
n publish_module
  File /usr/local/lib/Zope-2.2.1b1/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 187, i
n publish
  File /usr/local/lib/Zope-2.2.1b1/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py, line 221, in zpu
    (Object: Traversable)
  File /usr/local/lib/Zope-2.2.1b1/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 171, i
n publish
  File /usr/local/lib/Zope-2.2.1b1/lib/python/ZPublisher/mapply.py, line 160, in
    (Object: manage_importObject)
  File /usr/local/lib/Zope-2.2.1b1/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 112, i
n call_object
    (Object: manage_importObject)
  File /usr/local/lib/Zope-2.2.1b1/lib/python/OFS/ObjectManager.py, line 508, in
    (Object: Traversable)
  File /usr/local/lib/Zope-2.2.1b1/lib/python/OFS/ObjectManager.py, line 263, in
    (Object: Traversable)
  File /usr/local/lib/Zope-2.2.1b1/lib/python/OFS/ObjectManager.py, line 271, in
    (Object: Traversable)
  File /usr/local/lib/Zope-2.2.1b1/lib/python/ZClasses/ZClass.py, line 422, in m
    (Object: ZDTopic)
  File /usr/local/lib/Zope-2.2.1b1/lib/python/OFS/ObjectManager.py, line 271, in
    (Object: Traversable)
  File /usr/local/lib/Zope-2.2.1b1/lib/python/App/Factory.py, line 144, in manag
    (Object: RoleManager)
  File /usr/local/lib/Zope-2.2.1b1/lib/python/AccessControl/PermissionMapping.py
, line 137, in manage_setPermissionMapping
    (Object: RoleManager)
    (Info: (['Access contents information', 'Add BTree Folders', 'Add Database M
ethods', 'Add Documents, Files, and Images', 'Add Documents, Images, and Files',
 'Add External Methods', 'Add Folders', 'Add MailHost objects', 'Add SiteRoots',
 'Add User Folders', 'Add Versions', 'Add Vocabularies', 'Add Z Gadfly Database 
Connections', 'Add ZCatalogs', 'Add Zope Tutorials', 'Change DTML Documents', 'C
hange DTML Methods', 'Change Database Connections', 'Change Database Methods', '
Change External Methods', 'Change Images and Files', 'Change Versions', 'Change 
configuration', 'Change permissions', 'Change proxy roles', 'Create class instan
ces', 'Delete objects', 'Edit Factories', 'FTP access', 'Import/Export objects',
 'Join/leave Versions', 'Manage Vocabulary', 'Manage Z Classes', 'Manage ZCatalo
g Entries', 'Manage properties', 'Manage users', 'Open/Close Database Connection
', 'Open/Close Database Connections', 'Query Vocabulary', 'Save/discard Version 
changes', 'Search ZCatalog', 'Set Access Rule', 'Take ownership', 'Test Database
 Connections', 'Undo changes', 'Use Database Methods', 'Use Factories', 'Use mai
lhost services', 'View', 'View History', 'View management screens'], 'Add ZDiscu
ssions Items', 0))
Permission mapping error: (see above)

 jmce: +351 919838775 ~ http://artenumerica.com/ ~ http://artenumerica.org/