[Zope] Can't connect Zope FTP from NAT

Bob Finch bob@nas.com
Wed, 30 Aug 2000 10:04:04 -0700 (PDT)

>>>>> "zope" == zope  <zope@suse99.cyberworksolution.com> writes:

    zope> I use reserved IP under NAT and try to connect a remote Zope FTP 
    zope> server. The connection can't be established.  But if I am not under
    zope> NAT and use a legal public IP, the ftp connection is very well.

    zope> Is there any solution? 

Try configuring your FTP client to use passive mode (PASV).

-- Bob

Bob Finch                                     email: bob@nas.com
Network Access Services, Inc.                 voice: (360) 733-9279
P.O. Box 28085                                fax:   (360) 676-0345
Bellingham, WA  98228-0085                    WWW:   http://www.nas.com/