[Zope] structured text with <dtml> tags?

Jonothan Farr jfarr@real.com
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 20:57:37 -0800

I've also been enjoying discovering structured text and have been making
modifications like crazy. I've been submitting them to the collector but
unfortunately it doesn't look like they'll be applied for a number of reasons.

Among the modifications I've made are:

- A way to mark sections to be html quoted.

    """This text is html quoted: <dtml-var foo>
    So is this: <dtml-var bar>

    <b>This is not.</b>

- A way to mark anchors and anchor links that do not include the delimiters in
the text.

    {anchor} => <a href="#anchor">anchor</a>

  (as opposed to)

    [anchor] => <a href="#anchor">[anchor]</a>

- Allowing spaces in anchors (both [] and {})

    {multiple word anchor} => <a href="#multiple word anchor">
    .. {multiple word anchor} => <a name="multiple word anchor">

- Allowing horizontal whitespace before anchors.


    .. {Subheading that is also an anchor}

        foo paragraph

- Allowing newlines in dictionary list terms.

    this is a really long term that I don't
    want to put all on one line -- foo definition

- Fixed a bug in ".. [foo]" which actually accepts any two (non-newline)
characters instead of two periods. (didn't see this in the collector)

    xy [foo] => <a name="foo">[foo]</a>

The list of modifications is getting so extensive and I'm getting so dependent
on them that I'm thinking about creating my own structured text product,
StructuredTextPlus or something like that. Especially since DC has told me
that my patches probably won't be accepted through no fault of the patches.

I'd really like to know if anyone else is interested in seeing any of this
functionality added to structured text because I would rather have it added to
the distribution, or perhaps rolled into one of the structured text document
products I've been hearing about. It seems silly to duplicate most of the
effort for just a few changes.
