[Zope] Re: User Authentication

Andrey V Khavryutchenko akhavr@compchem.kiev.ua
09 Jan 2000 18:41:45 +0200

Hi, Borno! 

>>>>> "BJ" == Borno Janekovic writes:

BJ> My Problem: I want to do an UserAuthentication against a Database. I
BJ> want the Users to set up their own accounts with parameters.  1. Should
BJ> I do it with the Zope User Mechanism? And if I choose this how can I
BJ> implement that.

BJ>  2. Or should I do it with my own User Database authentisation. And how
BJ> can I do it that way?

BJ> I tyed 2.)

You'd better use some of availabe User Folder products, like
mysqlUserFolder or GenericUserFolder.

The later is great (and is what I'm using now), but ought to have better
debugging facilities (hey, zen! ;)

SY, Andrey V Khavryutchenko  http://www.kbi.kiev.ua/~akhavr
Software & SPI Engineer      Visit my site

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	There is no problem a good miracle can't solve.