Phillip J. Eby pje@telecommunity.com
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 14:05:10 -0500

At 11:49 AM 1/12/00 -0700, Guy Davis wrote:
>I am trying to disallow anonymous access for all but a handful of
>domains.  This is easy to do with Apache, but how can it be done with
>The only thing I could think of was to have the following in the
><dtml-if "AUTHENTICATED_USER == 'Anonymous User'" >


<dtml-if "_.str(AUTHENTICATED_USER) == 'Anonymous User'" >

instead.  AUTHENTICATED_USER is not a string, it's a User object.  That's
why it's not equal to a string, and you can't use string.find on it.

As far as your overall goal, you could set up a specialized user folder
that does what you want, but it's a bit more high-tech of a solution than
you're probably looking for.