[Zope] SQL7 connector?

Stephen Pitts smpitts@midsouth.rr.com
Sat, 15 Jan 2000 09:19:47 -0600

On Sat, Jan 15, 2000 at 09:57:52AM -0500, ozric wrote:
> Does anyone know if and/or how to connect to a MS SQL7 database?
> I am still trying to make my Dept see the light and let me set up a 
> production server using Zope and Linux.  The biggest problem is that we 
> and currently moving from Sybase on HPUX to SQL7 on NT (don't say it.. please). 
> I need to reassure them that Zope will be able to get to the SQL7 server now or 
> sometime soon. I am going to use MySQL as the demo but they are just going to 
> say "what about the SQL7 stuff".  Any help or advice would be splendid.

First of all, doesn't SQL Server use the same protocol as Sybase but
different port numbers b/c Microsoft bought SQL Server from Sybase? 

Secondly, a Zope ODBC adapter is available for Win32 at:
but I gather you are developing your site on Linux so that won't be of
much help.

Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org