[Zope] comercial products using zope

Terry Kerr terry@adroit.net
Tue, 20 Jun 2000 19:00:40 +1000


I am researching using zope as a framework for a product that I am going
develop and sell.  I will develop a python product for zope.  The
product will not be open source, so I will only be distributing the byte
code .pyc files, and not the source.  However I understand that it is
possible to decompyle .pyc files back to the source....although I don't
know how difficult this is to do successfully.  Are there any tricks
that I should know about to make this any harder?

Basically I want to know if anyone else has used zope for a commercial
product b4, and how they did it.  Is there anything in particular that I
should know about.  Should I just rely on a good software license to
protect my code?  Also...are .pyc files as platform independent as .py

Any info appreciated.


Terry Kerr (terry@adroit.net)
Adroit Internet Solutions Pty Ltd (www.adroit.net)
Phone:   +613 9563 4461
Fax:     +613 9563 3856
Mobile:  +61 414 938 124