[Zope] Creation of an ZClass Instance.

M.J. Stahl mjstahl@bizux.net
Wed, 08 Mar 2000 12:28:56 -0500

This is bizarre:

I added this line to the form ACTION... after I took a look at how the
management interface was adding the DCTask.


(what the heck does the DCTask%20 do?) Before it couldn't find the product
DCTask (attribute error) and now it finds the product but I get a key error.

Error Type: KeyError
Error Value: id

This is the code that I have for adding the adding ID of the instance of
the class (it provides a random ID or at least generates on)

<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('id',_.random.random()*10000)">
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('id',_.str(_.int(id)))">

I copied (and modifyed slightly) this from the How-To: AutoGenerate Random
ID for objects (http://www.zope.org/Members/Bill/Documentation/AutoGenID)
