[Zope] name conflict - ImageFile

Andrew Lahser andrew@apl-software.com
30 Mar 2000 15:58:37 -0000

Sure. You just need to 'packagize' PIL. 

Place the PIL directory somewhere in your
Zope's python's path. Add an __init__.py
to the PIL directory.

Inside the __init__.py place the following:
# Add any additional PIL modules that you want imported.
# This is one, long import statement that my email clien will
# wrap.
import Image, ImageFile, ImageEnhance, ImageDraw,  _imaging, GifImagePlugin, 
JpegImagePlugin, PngImagePlugin, BmpImagePlugin



> Lauri Posti <lauri@mutabor.ee> said: 

> I ran into trouble when trying use PIL (python imaging lib) in zope
> product. 
> The problem is that zope's App.ImageFile is used by PIL's internals
> instead of PILs ImageFile and of course this doesn't work.
> Any ideas how to fix this problem?
> Im using Debian Linux 2.2 pyhton packages.
> thanks,
> Lauri