Itamar Shtull-Trauring itamars@ibm.net
Tue, 02 May 2000 10:41:05 +0300

> Does anybody know how to call ZSQL methods using XML RPC ?

It's like this - you can call any Zope Method using XML-RPC as longs as it's
callable from a URL, and can be pickled trivially (a result that contains
objects inheriting from ExtensionClass, such as objectValues(), won't
work.)  If you can get the results of an sql query by typing some URL in
your browser, and it's only comoposed of lists, dictionarys, and such like,
then you can do it from XML-RPC.

As far as I can tell you can't access the results of an ZSQL method
directly, so you'll have to use a DTML Method to wrap the ZSQL Method. 
SELECTs aren't as simple - the following command doesn't seem to work:

	<dtml-return zsql_select_method>

most likely because it's return a list of Brainless or whatever the default
Brain class is, and it doesn't know how to return that.  So you're going to
have to wrap it in a PythonMethod and extract the info from the results
objects and convert it into a list of dictionaries or whatever it is you

Itamar S.T.  itamars@ibm.net