[Zope] Connect Problem with DCOracle on Win32

Tue, 16 May 2000 08:31:36 +0100

Hello all,
i managed to compile DCOracle for Win32 and I am able
to connect to some Oracle 7.x databases around here.

When I try to connect to a local  8I database  :
## my program
import DCOracle.ocidb
import os
co = DCOracle.Connect("scott/tiger@WS21375.xxxxx")

I get the following traceback

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "F:\DCOracle\Tests\Connect.py", line 7, in ?
    co = DCOracle.Connect("scott/tiger")
  File "F:\Python\DCOracle\ocidb.py", line 69, in __init__
OracleError: (12203, 'ORA-12203: TNS:Verbindung zum Ziel nicht m\366glich.\012')

ORA-12203 is TNS:unable to connect to destination

I don't believe that this is really a TNS-problem because one of the precompiler samples
supplied with oracle works just fine from the sam command prompt.

In the sourcecode ocidb.py is a hint that there should be another login format for oracle 8,
but the module oci_8 mentioned there does not exist.
### from  ocidb.py :
class ocidb:
    "Oracle Database Connections"

    if oci_8 is None:
        def __init__(self, connection_string):
            "Open a database connection"
        def __init__(self, connection_string):
            "Open a database connection"
            # Waaa, O8 wants a different format. Waaa
            up, s = (split(connection_string, '@')+[''])[:2]
            u,  p = (split(up, '/')+[''])[:2]

Has anyone managed to get this going ??
Many thanks for any hints

Norbert Klamann