[Zope] Traceback?

Marcus Collins mcollins@sunesi.com
Mon, 29 May 2000 14:39:00 +0200

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Withers [mailto:chrisw@nipltd.com]
> Sent: 29 May 2000 14:01
> To: Martijn Pieters
> Cc: Patrick J.M. Keane; zope@zope.org
> Subject: Re: [Zope] Traceback?
> Martijn Pieters wrote:
> > If you switch debug mode off, tracebacks will be included 
> > in error messages as HTML comments, thus rendering them 
> > invisible from the unsuspecting site visitor.
> Is that true even if you override standard_error_message?

I believe so, and empiracally this appears to be the case. From

    def _traceback(self,t,v,tb):
        if self.debug_mode: _tbopen, _tbclose = '<PRE>', '</PRE>'
        else:               _tbopen, _tbclose = '<!--',  '-->'
        return "\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (_tbopen, tb, _tbclose)

which is appended to the body of the error message when an exception occurs.


-- Marcus