[Zope] [ANNOUNCE] New Minimal product How-To

Max M maxmcorp@worldonline.dk
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 02:02:09 +0100


I have just added this Product How-To:


I would very much like some feedback as to whether this type of How-To is
worth the effort. I wrote it because I would have liked something like this
myself when I started. So should I write more like this, or is it a waste of

Introduction text:

'Zope product programming has gotten a reputation as being difficult. This
is not true. I belive that It's simply because the examples that has been
shown, like the Boring class, has been too full featured. Furthermore the
samples have skipped several steps when explaining the functionality, making
"the Zope" way seem long and a bothersome. With all kinds of unnessecary
extra code that is added "just because".

I remember reading the Boring examples the first time thinking that there
was all this deep black magic about Zope that no one really understood, but
just did because the had seen it elsewhere.

Therefore I have choosen to write a series of How-To's explaining in the
simplest possible way how to program Zope. The pace will be VERY slow and
every line of code will be explained in detail. If there is ANYTHING that is
unclear please tell me about it. (Use the " Feedback to this page's author"
link in the bottom of this page.)'

Max M. W. Rasmussen,    Denmark.   New Media Director
private: maxmcorp@worldonline.dk work: maxm@normik.dk
Specialization is for insects.  -  Robert A. Heinlein