[Zope] Website develoment with CVS Zope?

Jimmie Houchin jhouchin@texoma.net
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 08:37:33 -0600

Thanks for the reply.

Chris Withers wrote:
> Jimmie Houchin wrote:
> > I know because I will be developing and changing files in these
> > directories but not via CVS that CVS will probably complain about the
> > changes. Is this a problem?
> Depends, if you're changing Zope source files, then you may get some
> merge conflicts, but there shouldn't be any real problems. If you
> edit/add file which aren't stored in cvs.zope.org, CVS will just ignore
> them, it's good like that ;-)

As far as I know the only files I'll be adding or editing will be my own
Python files, Products, and the ZODBs. If it'll just ignore them or
maybe complain and then ignore, I'll be fine. 

For an experiment once, I added a file and then did an update. It
complained about a file not be added thru CVS or something as such. I
just wanted to make sure when ZODB changes and such it wouldn't be a

> > I will also be wanting to use the CVS of other Zope items like the PTK.
> > Does this impact this in any way?
> Just checkout the PTK/whatever to the appropriate bit of the Zope tree.
> IIRC, the PTK CVS structure isnt' conducive to doing this, though, which
> could be a pain :-(

Are you saying checkout the PTK into the directory in which it should be
installed in the Zope installation rather than into the ZopePTK
directory that it defaults to?

I was thinking from reading some of the PTK list that this isn't
painless. Maybe this can be improved when it reaches release status.

> HTH,

Yes, and thanks.
> Chris

Jimmie Houchihn