[Zope] Delete multiple posts

Jan Lentfer Jan@MountainbikeHQ.de
Tue, 3 Apr 2001 11:07:49 +0200

Am Dienstag,  3. April 2001 10:21 schrieb Gitte Wange:
> Well I'm sorry to say this, but it seems a bit more complicated than
> what I need. Isn't it possible to make an array out of a select box
> (with only the selected items in the array) and just run through this
> array to delete the items ?
> Gitte

I don't have time to explain it, but maybe this snippets from my code can 
help you:

First part, display the items in a table:
<FORM action="board_delProcessor" mehtod=post>

<TABLE border=1 width=75% align=center bgcolor="lightgrey" 
bordercolorlight="#999999" bordercolordark="#666666" cellspacing="1" 

 <dtml-with entries>

   <dtml-in "objectValues(['Message Board Entry'])">
         <dtml-var manage_html>

Second part, manage_html
       <TD align="center" width ="5%"><INPUT type ="checkbox" name="delID" 
value="<dtml-var id>"></TD>
       <TD align="left" width ="20%"><dtml-var message_subject></TD>
       <TD align="left" width ="5%"><dtml-var author></TD>
       <TD align="left" width ="5%"><FONT size=-2><dtml-var              

Third part, the board_delProcessor
<dtml-with entries>
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('delObj',delID)">
<dtml-call "manage_delObjects(delObj,REQUEST)">

This works on my message board management also for multiple posts



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