[Zope] running multiple Zopes behind Appache

Jason Cunliffe jasonic@nomadicsltd.com
Sat, 28 Apr 2001 18:28:26 -0400

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dieter Maurer" <dieter@handshake.de>
>  > When I try to run a zecond Zope on port 88 I get an error"
>  >
>  > error:
>  > ....
>  >   File "/web/Zope-eturb/ZServer/medusa/asyncore.py", line 242, in bind
>  >     return self.socket.bind (addr)
>  > socket.error: (98, 'Address already in use')
> There is another server (probably not Zope) using port 88.
> You either need to locate this server and shut it down or
> give Zope a different port.

hmm.. no tried setting it to port:7777 instead of 88

still same error:
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/web/Zope-eturb/z2.py", line 634, in ?
  File "/web/Zope-eturb/ZServer/FTPServer.py", line 622, in __init__
    apply(ftp_server.__init__, (self, None) + args, kw)
  File "/web/Zope-eturb/ZServer/medusa/ftp_server.py", line 725, in __init__
    self.bind ((self.ip, self.port))
  File "/web/Zope-eturb/ZServer/medusa/asyncore.py", line 242, in bind
    return self.socket.bind (addr)
socket.error: (98, 'Address already in use')

How can I find out what address zope thinks is in use?

Apache is on www.e-turb.com:80
Zope [version 232] is on www.e-turb.com:8888

Zope has SiteAcesss installed and SiteRoot set
Apache is set with ProxyPass following the How-To at

This has been working well for either Zopes but never both at the same time.

What lines to add to the Apache directive to cover several Zopes?
Is it time for ZEO?

Jason CUNLIFFE = NOMADICS['Interactive Art and Technology']