[Zope] EmergencyUserCannotOwn and log-in errors

Ken Guest kwg@renre-europe.com
01 Aug 2001 15:58:42 +0100

I'm very new to using zope and am having a spot of bother.
I have edited my /var/zope/access file to allow me to login
as super user from lewis.example.com (and preserved the
ownership on that file [checked it against a ls -l > ls-l.snapshot
which I did/created before editing the access file).

I created 2 users, ken-o (an owner) and ken-m (a manager),
with identical passwords.

I can't log in as either of those 2 users that I created,
nor can I create a script when logged in as superuser - I keep
getting a "EmergencyUserCannotOwn" error.

I did a number of seperate searches for "EmergencyUserCannotOwn"
through google and egroups. The only discussed solutions that
I found for anything even slightly similar to the above were
about the ownerships of the /var/zope/access file.

I doubt that it makes any difference, but the ID that I entered
for creating the python script is "hejda" - should the ID be

I am using Zope-2.3.2-1.i386.rpm and Zope-zserver-2.3.2-1.i386.rpm
on a Redhat 7.1 Linux box as I am limited to using python 1.5.2 
at the moment.

