[Zope] images and HTML code in a product

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Sat, 4 Aug 2001 03:01:33 +0200 (CEST)

Gregory Popovitch writes:
 > I am writing a product which generates HTML pages with references to a large
 > number of
 > images and HTML files. I would rather not duplicate these images and files
 > in each
 > instance of the product, but have them reside in the 'Products' directory
 > itself.
 > How can I 'publish' these files from the 'Products' directory, so that they
 > can
 > be found by every product instance through the acquisition process.
You can not...
Products are not in the acquisition path.

If your product is a Python product, then you can make the
images (or other object) available as attributes of your
class. Most Python products will show you how to do that
(usually for editing forms).

If your product is ZClass based, you can make your
images available a methods of the ZClass.

Alternatively, you may try either restricted traverse
or "manage_addProduct['yourProduct'].yourImageId"
(not sure whether these approaches work).
