[Zope] Z SQL Method problems (at least one confirmed bug)

Andy Dustman andy@dustman.net
Tue, 7 Aug 2001 23:55:54 -0400 (EDT)

I *think* Z SQL Methods in Zope 2.4.0 are broken.

I have a Z SQL Method (SELECT) with the following parameters:

HostId DomainId Name IP

and the following SQL:

HostId, DomainId, RecordType, Name, IP, Distance, Target, TTL,
StartEndTime, Location, Updated
FROM Hosts
<dtml-sqlgroup where>
<dtml-sqltest HostId column="HostId" type=int optional>
<dtml-sqltest DomainId column="DomainId" type=int optional>
<dtml-sqltest Name column="Name" type=nb optional>
<dtml-sqltest IP column="IP" type=int optional>

Note that all tested columns are optional. Using the Test tab, everything
works correctly: If I leave off values, that portion isn't rendered.

Now... I have a DTML Method which performs:

<dtml-in SELECT mapping> ... </dtml-in>

This bombs unless all the parameters are specified in form data. To
diagnose this further, I hacked on Aqueduct.py a bit to return a bit more
info on the error page:

        if missing:
            raise self.MissingArgumentError, (missing, args.items())

 File /home/andy/Zope-2.4.0/lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB/Aqueduct.py, line
150, in _argdata
    (Object: SELECT)
Bad Request: (['DomainId', 'Name', 'IP'], [('HostId', {}), ('DomainId',
{}), ('Name', {}), ('IP', {})])

This shows that there is no 'optional' being set for these items. (Note in
this particular case HostId was supplied, so it is not "missing".)

If I have overlooked something blatently obvious, please let me know.

But wait! There's more. Supposedly you are able to specify default values
for parameters, i.e. spam="no" eggs="yes". DC.Shared.ZRDB.Aqueduct.parse()
seems to be what is supposed to do this. However, it fails miserably.

def parse(text,
              r'([\000- ]*([^\000- ="]+))'),
              r'([\000- ]*([^\000- ="]+)=([^\000- ="]+))'),
              r'([\000- ]*([^\000- ="]+)="([^"]*)")'),

Why the regexes are there as default parameters is beyond me. Nothing in
ZRDB seems to make use of that "feature". Defining those regexes in the
body of the function does seem to make it work again, so this is certainly
a bug. Interestingly, it also changes the error slightly on the first

Bad Request: (['DomainId', 'Name', 'IP'], [('HostId', {'default': '1'}),
('DomainId', {}), ('Name', {}), ('IP', {})])

Note that a default is now present (because I set one).

For the record, I am using Python-2.1.1. However, I think I saw the second
problem with Python-2.1.

Andy Dustman         PGP: 0xC72F3F1D
    @       .net     http://dustman.net/andy
I'll give spammers one bite of the apple, but they'll
have to guess which bite has the razor blade in it.