[Zope] PLEASE HELP: automatic start when system boots

Takashi Linzbichler takashi.linzbichler@smartferret.com
Wed, 22 Aug 2001 14:31:32 +0200

Hi, Marc !

Please don't get annoyed if you read these next words, but I would
really advise you to either get some minimal Linux-Knowledge or at least
try to use the packages as they are provided by your distributor. 

You're playing 'round here with the SysV-Init and you'd probably better
know what you're doing there ...

> ln -s  /etc/rc.d/init.d/startzope /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/K90zope
> ln -s  /etc/rc.d/init.d/startzope /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K90zope
> ln -s  /etc/rc.d/init.d/startzope /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K90zope
> but unfortunately again without success :-(
> What's wrong, and why those 'K90's ... what do they mean?

You've made links to your startup-script that are being use when
_leaving_ the respective runlevel (i.e. killing the process) therefore
they're starzing with a 'K'. The numbers behind then 'K' just give you
the order, in which these scripsts are being called by init.
Just do as you've done above and create Symlinks starting with 'S'xx
(try to find n appropriate value for xx, i.e. at least the networking
services should already be running, etc.)

I'm not sure about RH's runlevels, but very often RL 6 is used for
shutdown (e.g. SuSE), so it doesn't make sense to start Zope in RL 6 ...

Usually you will have 2 RL's (multi-user w. networking and multi-user w.
networking and X11) in which you'd start a server like zope. Have a look
at the RH-docs about which RL's to use.


smartferret it-consulting Dipl.-Ing. Linzbichler KEG

Dipl.-Ing. Takashi Veikko Linzbichler
Tannhofweg 28/3
A-8044 Graz, Austria

Tel.:   0316 / 39 89 40 -0
Fax:    0316 / 39 89 40 -20
Mobil:  0676 / 31 26 286
eMail:  takashi.linzbichler@smartferret.com

WWW:    http://www.smartferret.com