[Zope] Strange PCGI Problems

seb bacon seb@jamkit.com
20 Dec 2001 12:10:44 +0000

On Thu, 2001-12-20 at 11:46, Oleg Broytmann wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 20, 2001 at 12:43:53PM +0100, olpa@sybcom.de wrote:
> > yes... this works... but I want the automatic restart feature with pcgi...
>    This time I'd say "don't do this". PCGI restarts Zope in single-threaded
> mode, while ZServer is multithreded (i.e., much faster).

I admit I don't have the most scientific reasons for not using pcgi. So
I could be way off the mark. But here's my understanding:

 - it's less flexible if you want to do any virtual serving

 - if you go for the VHM / rewrite route, there's less configuration to
do: a single rewrite rule in your server context in httpd.conf

 - you don't get things like the ftp port and the webdav source port
with pcgi, i believe (?)

 - why give yourself the extra overhead of starting a new wrapper
process every time you want to connect to Zope?

 - AFAIK, even the people who developed pcgi in the first place (i.e.
ZC) don't use it any more.  It would be good to know if (a) I am right,
and (b) if so, why not.

Finally, let me turn the question around: why *should* you use pcgi?

I'm not saying using pcgi is wrong, but I am saying I think it's easier
and possibly faster to do it the rewrite rule / SiteAccess way.  I also
think you'll get more community support, since I get the impression more
people do it that way.


