[Zope] Images and uploading (how to extract extension from upload instance)

Paul Zwarts paul.zwarts@oratrix.com
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 14:45:22 +0100


Just as FYI, since I was able to get A solution, but probably by far, not a
very good one:

<dtml-var "image.filename[_.string.index(image.filename,'.'):]">

Where image is the <input type="file" name="image"> of a form.

I was able to query that content-type by
<dtml-var "image.headers">

but could not further render the tuple to access anymore than image.filename
which seems to be contained inside image.headers.  Strange or stupidity on my

Anyhow, the .string.index [start:end] worked quite well. Im a happy camper.

Im glad I was able to crack it with LocalFS because it was enough of a pain in
the butt to make me not want to jump into cold water with ExtFile....  But
thanks very much for your help anyways, Harald.


Harald Scheirich wrote:

> If you want the error checking to be done before the saving using
> ExtImage you probably would have to change extImage to do so and
> modify not to write anything that cannot be recognised as webviewable.
> Using LocalFS you could write an External python function To check
> the data that you get via PIL to assert that the data that has been
> sent actually is an image befor it is written
> making this up as i go along e.g.
> I dont know if something like this would work
> ---------------------
> # file is REQUEST['file'] where file is the
> # form name for the input element
> from PIL import Image
> def isImage(file)
>    try:
>      im = Image.fromstring(data)
>    except:
>      return false
>    return true
> ---------------------
> I havent worked with LocalFS which i think
> HTTPRequest.upload.instance is from, is it ?
> Harald
> At 1:19 PM +0100 2/28/01, Paul Zwarts wrote:
> >Thanks Harald,
> >
> >I do indeed have ExtFile loaded on my system, and had ignored it for the
> >sake of figuring out LocalFS. Will give it a look now, but will it really
> >help?
> >
> >It sounds like the same conundrum except that when depositing a file
> >somewhere, the meta data is in fact captured and stored, and can be
> >requested after is deposit. But what I want is this operation to occur
> >beforehand.....
> >
> >Which makes me ask, how do I access the physical path of an
> >HTTPRequest.upload.instance so I can perform a string.search?
> >
> >Paz
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