[Zope] NEWBIE: Versions

J. Atwood jatwood@bwanazulia.com
Mon, 8 Jan 2001 08:10:27 -0500

At 12:43 PM +0000 1/8/2001, Andy Gates wrote:
>Hi folks,
>'Tis time, think I, to use versioning: keep the live site running and
>work on a version with all changes, let the droids assess it, and then
>roll it live in one chunk.

Congrats on getting a Zope site up and running (and working with 
marketing at all).

Version is very simple. On the top root level add a version from the 
drop down and give it a name. I usually give it a capital name or 
start it with a number so it will float to the top of the list. Then 
go into it (click on it) and click on the "Start working in XXXX" 
button. This will put you into the version and anything you do will 
not be seen by anyone outside of the version. You can browse your 
sites, see the updates etc. When you are done with the changes and 
everything works just go back into the version, Leave it and click on 
the "save/discard" tab. At this point if you save your changes they 
go live, if you discard they are lost. If you drop a note in there 
you will see it in your undo log.

Some notes:
- You can have more than one version going but they cannot be working 
on the same item
- A lot of people can join a version to work in it or view it
- Try to make the name of your version match what you are doing and 
don't let changes sit in it too long or you will forget what you did
