[Zope] Will ZEO solve my problem?

bak (kedai) kedai@kedai.com.my
Tue, 3 Jul 2001 09:25:41 +0800

<stuff snipped>

> The problem we've been encountering is that every
> so often (several times a day) the server goes
> nuts and I end up restarting it.  I can watch
> "top" and see a single python process take all of
> one CPU time for an extended period.

are you using any RDB?  we used to have this problem where suddenly, only one 
zope thread is active.  we were using postgres-6.x.  an upgrade to 
postgres-7.0.x and PoPy, we managed to stop having such problem.  dunno 
whether that has anything to do with the "single active zope thread".  we are 
now considering upgrading to 7.1.x and psycopg.  on a devel box, 
postgres7.1.2 and psycopg really flies
> If it ends up in the ZEO client (as I suspect it
> will), I can use the front-end proxy to route
> requests to other ZEO clients while I restart the
> one that's spinning.  I can also restart the
> spinning ZEO client quickly.

yes, ZEO did save our backend when we were having this intermittent trouble.