[Zope] print results from a datrabase query

Terry McKenna terry_a_mckenna@yahoo.com
Tue, 10 Jul 2001 13:11:24 -0700 (PDT)

I am trying to query a field in a database then print
the output in both an email and an html file.

It looks like I am getting the memory address of the Z
SQL method instead of the value returned by the query.

-Thanks in advance
Called from the input form:
"processTicket" method

<dtml-call newTicket> # "newTicket" makes an entry to
a MySQL database with the users input from the form.
<dtml-call maxTicketNumQuery> # "maxTicketNumQuery"
gets the MAX from the database. (see below)
<body bgcolor=white>
<dtml-sendmail mailhost="mailhost">
To:<dtml-var webmaster>
From:<dtml-var email>
Subject: Trouble Ticket

A Trouble Ticket was submitted by <dtml-var name> at
<dtml-var ZopeTime>. Ticket Number <dtml-var
maxTicketNumQuery> (I don't think this part is right.
I tried to <dtml-call maxTicketNumQuery> but that
didn't work either)

Description of Problem:
<dtml-var problem>

<dtml-var standard_html_header>
Thank you <dtml-var name>. An E-Mail will be sent to
you soon for reference. Your ticket number is
<dtml-var maxTicketNumQuery>.
Someone will be in contact with you soon.
To return to the main page, click logo.

Called from "processTicket" method:
"maxTicketNumQuery" Z SQL method:

select MAX(ticketNum) from ticket3 # called from
"processTicket" method.

I am trying to get the results of the "ticketNum"
filed in the database. I DO NOT have "ticketNum"
defined as an argument in the Z SQL method. I'm not
sure if it should be. Either way, I get the same

This is the output from the email that is sent once a
ticket has been entered.

A Trouble Ticket was submitted by Foo Man Chew at
2001/07/10 15:53:24.7536 GMT-4. Ticket Number
<Shared.DC.ZRDB.Results.Results instance at 8728218>

Description of Problem:
server crash

Instead of the <Shared.DC*> output, I would like the
result of the "maxTicketNumQuery", which should be an
integer value like 29.

Also, I have read most of the Zope book. It's a little
over my head. Can anyone point me to a Zope database
document written at the beginner level? 

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