[Zope] I want to script in Python and not Zope-Python

sean.upton@uniontrib.com sean.upton@uniontrib.com
Sat, 02 Jun 2001 21:25:54 -0700

ZPublisher / External Methods / Product API - 3 different ways to do python
using Zope (or portions thereof).  What more does one need?

I guess I don't understand why not just build your classes, and wrap them
using the Python product API?  Everything you do in python is thinly wrapped
in a bit of management, allowing for to be persistence.  If you don't
want/like/need that, just use ZPublisher to publish objects from your
classes instead of a complete Zope - you lose persistence, but if you have
no need for it...  If one wanted to do something really strange, one could
write code that used the ZODB outside of Zope, and use ZPublisher to publish
it.. oh wait, I think that's been done before... :)

If your code is not really OO, I think there might be something out there
like Python server pages, or something equally as dilute, but external
methods are still an easier concept, IMHO...

ZPublisher might buy you what you are looking for, though I have to say,
personally, that OOP without an object database now seems like Cola without
fizz and caffeine to me - either that, or someone has been secretly adding
addictive substances to the Zope releases - i.e. acquisition, not to mention
that extra caffeine ;) ...


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Cook [mailto:twcook@iswt.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2001 8:56 PM
To: tom smith
Cc: E. Seifert; zope@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope] I want to script in Python and not Zope-Python

tom smith wrote:
> >>  Is there any way to let python scripts to have access to all the bits
> >> bobs I've got going with python, like MySQL (or Tk even) rather than
> > to
> >> deal with python-in-zope.
> >
> > This is a question of security. You can't let Zope users use all aspects
> > Zope.
> What if I'm the only zope authorer?  I fairly sure I can trust myself.
> >> ...And don't want to muck about with external methods. I want FULL
> >> power within zope.
> >
> > To leverage the full power of Zope just use external methods. They allow
> > write fully functional python applications which you can access from
> > Zope.
> Hello?!  I don't want to use external methods.

Well Tom. I would suggest one of three choices. 
1) Use something else instead of Zope (you will be using a lesser
tool though).
2) Rebuild your copy so it works the way you want (you have the
3) Get used to external methods.

Personally, I picked # 3. <s>

Tim Cook, President - FreePM,Inc. 
http://www.FreePM.com Office: (731) 884-4126
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