[Zope] Zope starts on, but cannot open on a browser.

Dunigan, Craig craig.dunigan@esker.com
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 12:12:47 -0500

Try localhost:8080/manage, or add your machine name to the laptop's hosts
file (sample hosts file found at hosts.sam in /winnt/system32/drivers/etc).
Also, there is a known problem with a version of IE, I think it's 5.0 or
5.1, that it won't open the management interface, just upgrade to IE5.5.

Craig Dunigan
Web Programmer
Esker Software - Extending the Reach of Information
Ph. 608.273.6000
Fax 608.273.8227

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Herschel Cohen [mailto:"Herschel Cohen"@ubsw.com]
> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 10:51 AM
> To: zope@zope.org
> Subject: [Zope] Zope starts on, but cannot open on a browser.
> I thought I had two, nearly identical installations of Zope on both a
> desktop and a company laptop configured similarly, running NT 4.0.
> However, I can only run one residing on the desktop machine.  
> While each
> will start Zope, the identity of the host system differs for the http
> server:
> desktop: <machine name>.<city>.<company site>.com with the port:8080
> laptop:    <machine name laptop> and the port:8080
> Following the desktop string with '/manage" Zope is loaded 
> effortlessly,
> on the laptop I only get a variation of messages mostly 
> saying there is
> no defined DNS on the company server when I use the machine 
> name as the
> hostserver.  Guessing I might still need to use the city and company's
> site as part of the address, my results were no better.
> I have tried a number of variations to try and open Zope on the laptop
> without one success.  Has anyone run into a similar situation 
> and found
> a solution?  If so please inform me promptly so that I can make better
> progress on learning how to develop using Zope.
> Thanks in advance!!
> Visit our website at http://www.ubswarburg.com
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