[Zope] Zope starts on, but cannot open on a browser.

Thomas B. Passin tpassin@mitretek.org
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 17:07:40 -0400 is always supposed to work (of course, add the port, as in

If  localhost doesn't work, create a hosts table in the windows directory
for Win95/98/ME - I see that it's in c:\ WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
on my Win2000  system).  There needs to be the following entry:  localhost

Reboot, then "localhost" should be recognized.  You may need to be logged on
as administator to do this, I'm not sure.

Probably what is happening is this:

When your desktop machine boots, it is connected to the network and
automatically receives an IP address using the machine name as its IP
hostname.  Your laptop is perhaps not connected to the network when you boot
it, or is not configured to get an address automatically using DHCP, so it
doesn't get its host name assigned.

If localhost still doesn't work after you set up the hosts file, it may need
to be in some other directory.  I would then search on the Microsoft web
site to try to find out where.  Or just stick with


Tom P

[Herschel Cohen]
> > >
> > > I thought I had two, nearly identical installations of Zope on both a
> > > desktop and a company laptop configured similarly, running NT 4.0.
> > > However, I can only run one residing on the desktop machine.
> > > While each
> > > will start Zope, the identity of the host system differs for the http
> > > server:
> > >
> > > desktop: <machine name>.<city>.<company site>.com with the port:8080
> > >
> > > laptop:    <machine name laptop> and the port:8080
> > >
> > > Following the desktop string with '/manage" Zope is loaded
> > > effortlessly,
> > > on the laptop I only get a variation of messages mostly
> > > saying there is
> > > no defined DNS on the company server when I use the machine
> > > name as the
> > > hostserver.  Guessing I might still need to use the city and company's
> > > site as part of the address, my results were no better.
> > >
> > > I have tried a number of variations to try and open Zope on the laptop

> > > without one success.  Has anyone run into a similar situation
> > > and found
> > > a solution?  If so please inform me promptly so that I can make better
> > > progress on learning how to develop using Zope.
> > >