[Zope] Want to Build Bulletin Board for Local Events

Bill Bell bill-bell@bill-bell.hamilton.on.ca
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 16:14:36 -0400

Dieter, thank you. I'll definitely have a look. - Bill

On 27 Jun 2001, at 21:25, Dieter Maurer wrote:

> Bill Bell writes:
>  > I live in a rural community. As a public service I'd like to build
>  a site > that is capable of accepting short notices about upcoming
>  events > such as theatre performances, tavern gigs, church suppers,
>  etc > and then of displaying them using either a calendar page
>  interface > or scrolling list.
> Look at the "calender tag" and the "Event Folder" (--> zope.org).
> Dieter