[Zope] manage_addVersion

Tim Cook tim@freepm.org
Sat, 17 Mar 2001 19:10:03 -0600

Zope 2.3.1b2, python 1.5.2, linux2-x86 

I can't stop manage_addVersion from redirecting back to
manage_main.  I have scoured the normal information sites &
sources and there is 'some' information about manage_workspace
redirection (in a ZClass) in the archives. That doesn't apply in
this case. 

Being the Python neophyte that I am, the code in Version.py says
taht if REQUEST is not None to do the redirect. Well, I've done
my very best to set REQUEST to None (actually it looks like it
defaults to None) all without success. 

Any help appreciated; as usual.
Tim Cook, President - FreePM,Inc. 
http://www.FreePM.com Office: (901) 884-4126
ONLINE DEMO: http://www.freepm.org:8080/FreePM