[Zope] interactive linking

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Tue, 27 Mar 2001 23:46:47 +0200 (CEST)

paulousek writes:
 > I apologize for posting a maybe stupid newbie question, but:
 > what I intend to realize is a CM-system where editors can interactively
 > interlink documents (in the sense of creating HREFs). They must be able to
 > indicate the link's target, which might be either internal (another Zope
 > object/document), or external (a complete URL selected from a list) or even
 > void. The interface should not be typing the target's data/address in, but
 > selecting it from a form-element like a scrollable list.
 > Can this be done easily with Zope or will I have to prepare myself for long
 > Python-programming sessions?
 > (BTW: the same procedure for selecting content should be available for
 > images and downloadable files.)
 > hope I haven't bothered the community...
You have not...

But I do not understand where your problem is:

  1. build the scrollable list?

  2. implement the linking?

1. is trivial once you know which elements should be part of the
list and how to get them. 

For 2., I would use either a relational database or
the ZCatalog if the links are not embedded arbitrary
in the text but presented together at well defined places
and query the database at these places to obtain the
targets (identified via URL's).
