[Zope] Directories and subdirectories....

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Fri, 30 Mar 2001 21:03:48 +0200 (CEST)

After Dark writes:
 > In my example, below, the paremeter is a folder... but it
 > only works (list the objects) if the folder is in the root
 > directory, else doesn`t work. I tried things like
 > 'directory/parameter' or 'directory.parameter' but didn`t
 > work.
 > <dtml-in expr="_.getitem('parameter').objectValues()">
 > </dtml-in>
The '...' around "parameter" are strange:

  "_.getitem('parameter')" is equivalent to "parameter".

Otherwise, your statement is strange.

  What object type contains the "dtml-in" (a DTML Method or Document)?

  What happens precisely: you do not get any content?
    If you use the code above, then the "in" body is empty,
    thus, you won't see something.
    But I assume, this is just a typo and not your real

  Try to add a "&dtml-parameter;" before the "in". It will
    show you the object type, "parameter" is bound to.
    Maybe, you get an unexpected "parameter".
