AW: AW: [Zope] Source from form result.

Marc Fischer
Wed, 2 May 2001 23:00:44 +0200

> I think many people are uncertain about what you want to get.
> 1) You can get the "source" of the result page from the browser
> by using the
> "View/Source" menu or its equivalent on various browsers.  This will show
> you the HTML that Zope has actually created and returned to the browser.
> 2) If you want to see the above page as text, rather than as
> rendered html,
> and you want to automatically see it in the browser window, then
> you have to
> change the content-type header from "text/html" (which it
> normally would be)
> to "text/plain".  Some browsers might still render it as html, but chances
> are you will see it as text.  To make the change, you modify the RESPONSE
> object.  Someone else, please help out with the exact syntax for
> this, would
> you?
> 3) You can get the Zope "source" by using the Zope management interface.
> 4) A fourth possibility is that you want some other user, who has
> no access
> to the Zope mangement interface, to get the Zope source page that Zope
> calls - as opposed to the results
> page that Zope would ***generate***.    I'm not sure how to do
> that, though
> I seem to remember that it's easy for a dtml method.
> Which of these  possibilities do you want?  Or is there another
> alternative
> that you want?

:-) Yes, there is an other :-))

Ok, I will try to explain. ... Somewhere in the Web, there is a Website, out
of the world of zope:-), that provides a form with a submit button. this
form passes some arguments with the syntax:
<input type="hidden" name="x" value="y"> ...

If you klick on submit button, you get displayed some pictures. so far so
good ...

I want to create a zope application, that automatically gets the source of
this result page, extracts the urls of the picutres and finally uploads
these pictures into my zopeserver.

The problem is, that it is not possible to pass the variables in the url
like this:

So I am looking for a way of being able to handle the source code of this
result. Extraction of the urls is not a problem.

Thanks for your interest ...
