[Zope] Re: upgrade 2.3.2 to 2.4.1: import zwiki

Simon Michael simon@joyful.com
Sat, 10 Nov 2001 05:24:53 -0800

John Hunter <jdhunter@ace.bsd.uchicago.edu> writes:
> I am a little bit confused about how to use Zwiki in 2.4.1.  Simon's

Haha, you and me both!

> log on zwiki.org says that it has been incorporated into the main zope
> product, 

Er.. no, I don't think I said quite that.. I think I said the
ZWikiWebs product (the sample wikis) had been incorporated into the
main ZWiki product.

I also see 2.4's StructuredText/Zwiki.py file, but I'm not sure who
uses it - current ZWiki doesn't. I'd guess it's a stxNG experiment or
perhaps used by CMFWiki.

> When I try and load one of my zwiki pages, I get the error:
>   This object is broken because the ZWiki product that created it is
>   no longer installed or is installed incorrectly. Please contact the
>   product maintainer for assistance.

So yes, you do need to install the zwiki product as before, as I'm
sure you've already figured out. Let me know if there are still
