[Zope] SQL authentication

Takashi Linzbichler takashi.linzbichler@smartferret.com
Mon, 03 Sep 2001 14:25:30 +0200


Milos Prudek wrote:
> I'm trying to implement a SQL-based login. It looks more difficult than
> I anticipated. Here's what I need:
> - Zope based web system where anonymous users can register.
> - Registered users should be able to login using a web form.
> - A free webmail system using the IMP. IMP is PHP-based, so I guess I
> must use SQL for my user list in order to share user info among Zope and
> IMP.

IMHO, you're better off using LDAP rather than an SQL-based solution. At
least, if sharing the user-information between Zope and PHP is the only
reason for using a RDBMS. LDAP is quite well supported by PHP, and you
could for example use the Zope LDAPLoginAdapter
(http://www.zope.org/members/jens/LDAPLoginAdapter) on the Zope side of
life, which quite well documented, incl. some examples.


smartferret it-consulting Dipl.-Ing. Linzbichler KEG

Dipl.-Ing. Takashi Veikko Linzbichler
Tannhofweg 28/3
A-8044 Graz, Austria

Tel.:   0316 / 39 89 40 -0
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Mobil:  0676 / 31 26 286
eMail:  takashi.linzbichler@smartferret.com

WWW:    http://www.smartferret.com