[Zope] 'popen' calls not happening?

Jean Jordaan jean@upfrontsystems.co.za
Fri, 7 Sep 2001 13:24:27 +0200

Hi Seb

> Is that all your 'except' clause does?  Because if so, you're 
> not going to get any tracebacks at all, because the expect is 
> catching them all and doing nothing with them.  Try removing 
> the try..except. 

If there is a traceback, won't it be included in the 'errors' list 
by 'str(exception[2])' ? 

>         exception = sys.exc_info()
>         errors.append( "Could not execute 'passfeko'" \
>                      + '\n --' + str(exception[0]) \
>                      + '\n --' + str(exception[1]) \
>                      + '\n --' + str(exception[2]) \
>                      ) # TODO: display the traceback.

Since no exception is being raised, however, this doesn't really
touch on the issue of the popen call not working .. 
