[Zope] Newbie Question

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Tue, 18 Sep 2001 23:38:44 +0200 (CEST)

Michael writes:
 > I am trying to add build a small site using Zope that will have the option of 
 > viewing a text only version as well.  I have created a standard_html_header 
 > which also contains objects for the site logo and navigation information. 
 > These are the only graphics on the site. My question is, do I need to create 
 > a separate header for the text version, or is there a way that Zope can 
 > determine what page is calling the header and then insert the proper object? 
When you put your text only version into its own subtree, than
you can use a property on its root object, say "text_only", to
check whether you are in a "text_only" context.
Thanks to acquisition, all object in the subtree see the property
while objects outside do (usually) not.

Alternatively, "REQUEST['PUBLISHED']" contains the "called" object.
