[Zope] Re: [ez] Re: zope hosting

Cees de Groot cg@cdegroot.com
22 Sep 2001 13:43:04 +0200

Joachim Werner <joe@iuveno-net.de> said:
>If we had enough resources in the EuroZope Verein to be able to pay for a
>line (e.g. a 2MB connectivity), we could have a "flat rate" for traffic.
>That would be much more predictable than volume-based hosting.
>There also seem to exist some flat-rate server housing offers. We might well
>be able as a community to pay 500 DM or so a month for a server that can be
>used for development and free hosting ...
If you're prepared to wait a bit, I'll be happy to give the EZV a
(virtual) server for free on the Linux s/390 system we're planning to
setup next quarter (no final decision yet, but it's close). We've got
abundant bandwidth at the moment (~7Mbit unused), and I could also try to
convince our bandwidth provider to sponsor a megabit or so.

Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>
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