[Zope] Re: Generic Content Object for use with Page Templates

Evan Simpson evan@4-am.com
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 16:44:29 -0500

Tim Hicks wrote:
> But I get the feeling that it's not something you'd do yourself ("If you
> really want to work it this way...") - why is that and do you have
> alternative site structures?

In the past, I've used plain File objects when I needed a quick & dirty 
content object.  This works for me since I don't try to traverse them 
directly, only refer to them.  By this I mean that I might have a Folder 
'news' that contains Files like '2002082101', but I never try to send 
the user to "http://.../news/2002082101".  I'll have a news page at 
"http://.../news", and if a user is managing a piece of content, they'll 
be at "http://.../news/edit?nid=2002082101".

Obviously, this may not work for you if you have a different model for 
user interaction with content.  If you can, I advise using the CMF.


Evan @ 4-am