[Zope] ZPT RestrictedTraverse Bug??! ref: priveleges problem???

Dirk Collins dirk.collins@earthlink.net
Mon, 23 Dec 2002 10:36:09 -0500

I have been setting my new Zope site to allow anonymous visitors to
burrow down till they hit a restricted area, namely the 30mm CD
Resources page. Right above that is the 30mm-Floorplans folder.
Anonymous users are being required by zope to login at the
30mm-Floorplans folder even though I didn't specifically setup the
30mm-Floorplans folder as a controlled area. Canceling the login
request results in this Zope error for anonymous users only!

/<li>  Module Products.PageTemplates.Expressions, line 346, in
restrictedTraverse<br />

__traceback_info__: {'path': ['title'], 'TraversalRequestNameStack':

</ul>Unauthorized: You are not allowed to access title in this
context </p> -->/

Everyone else can gain access to the 30mm-Floorplans Folder so long as
they login. After spending some time making sure the folder and file
permissions were good from the Zope root folder on down to the
30mm-Floorplan folder, I finally got the bright idea to check Google
using the keywords in the error message and found my problem straight
away... Reference URL--


I'm just checking to see if anyone happens to have any updated
information on this bug, or if a workaround already exists to allow
anonymous users access to all the areas that role is setup for.

With Regards,