[Zope] Python Script Question

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Sat, 16 Feb 2002 00:03:19 +0100

Chris Bruce writes:
 > Can any one give me a working example of how to add a ZCLASS to a
 > folder in Python Script?  I have tried:
 > request = context.REQUEST
 > for i in context.Users.UserFolders.objectValues():
 > folder.manage_addProduct["UserFileFolder"].UserFileFolder_add(id=i.id)
 >   print context.REQUEST["id"]
 > return printed
 > But it is giving me the following error:
 > Traceback (innermost last):
 > ...
 >     (Object: UserFileFolder.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'],
 >     (Info: REQUEST)
 >   File <string>, line 2, in f
 >     (Object: guarded_getitem)
 > NameError: (see above)

Zope error messages are better than the quotations I often see
in the mailing list. It tells you which name is not found!
As you surely understand this is an essential information.

  From your code above, I would expect "folder" is unknown.
  But that's probably because your just forgot to show
  us the definition of "folder"...

  The traceback suggests, "id" is unknown in "REQUEST".
  I expect that this is due to the fact, that
  "UserFileFolder_add" is a DTML method that is
  called wrongly (without the necessary 2 positional parameters).
  If this analysis is correct, then you should read the
  section "Calling DTML objects" in


For the future:

  When you report tracebacks, you should report "Error Type"
  and "Error Value", too.
