[Zope] Help! The suits are taking away my Zope! - THANKS

Joel Burton joel@joelburton.com
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 15:56:50 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Dunigan, Craig wrote:

> I replied to seb, because his message summarizes the suggestions I've
> received.  Thanks to all who responded, even if it was only commiseration.
> I'm looking at webdrive, but we have 500+ plus PCs in nine locations
> encompassing six countries and three US states, so I'm not sure that's
> really gonna fly....  Yes, seb, I did search the archives first, but your
> response prompted me to try again, and I have discovered that Zope 2.4+
> includes a workaround for some of the M$-DAV problems.  No one apparently
> noticed that I said I was still on Zope 2.3.  I've done some preliminary
> tests with Zope 2.5 that are successful with Office 2K so far.  It won't
> solve the Outlook problem, but I haven't seen any evidence yet that even
> SharePoint can do that, so I may be safe there.  I do believe that DC or
> someone else should look at adding SMB to Zope.  M$, especially Office, is
> the standard in the corporate world, and as long as someone with an
> impressive title but little technical knowledge can claim that Zope doesn't
> work with some facet of Office, no matter how obscure, they'll have an
> excuse to remove or refuse Zope.
> For anyone else reading and wondering about a solution - it looks like
> WebDrive and Zope 2.5 are the best ideas I've been given so far.  However,
> it may still come down to some very good advice from Ron, who didn't copy
> the list on his response, but who I will quote here (with his permission):

For the SharePoint file access:

Put the Zope files into a directory (actual filesystem directory, not Zope
Folder) accessible through normal SMB.

Then use LocalFS through Zope to access these items.

They're no longer ordinary Zope objects, but Zope can get to them through
LocalFS. Your users can get to them, no problem, through SMB mapped to an
ordinary drive letter.

If this isn't clear, let me know I can explain it better.


Joel BURTON  |  joel@joelburton.com  |  joelburton.com  |  aim: wjoelburton
Independent Knowledge Management Consultant