[Zope] Need Caching advice for CMF site ...

Toby Dickenson tdickenson@geminidataloggers.com
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 18:19:42 +0000

On Tuesday 22 January 2002 5:53 pm, you wrote:

> 20000 requests per day

Aha! your original post mentioned three clients, and I took that to
mean end-user clients (rather than Zope clients to your ZEO server).
Your memory usage statistics are quite believeable for that size of

Sorry for the distraction.

>I don't know if there is any relation between your guess that so many
> objects in cache is a sign of memory stress, and the fact that we are
> experiencing Zope crashes 1-3 times per day (always associated with our
> higher load times). We have been working for many weeks with ZC support=
> find the cause and so far nothing we've tried has made any difference.
> (compiling without pymalloc, restrictedPython patch, etc)

I think its unlikely to be a cause, but if you are desperate then any
data point can be useful.....

It may be interesting to see if those numbers change during your
uptime lifecycle. It is possible to get unusually big numbers right
after the server starts, but it should settle down to an equilibrium.

If the numbers seem to be growing then this may be a clue to a
problem. If this is the case, I suggest you have a look at the
reference counts section of the debugging control panel tab for
further clues.

Toby Dickenson