[Zope] Catalog-aware python product

Ben Avery ben@thesite.org
Wed, 03 Jul 2002 17:31:34 +0100


when you add a z-class to your product, select 'ZCatalog: CatalogAware' 
to the base class list.
Then any objects of this class this will try to update themselves in a 
catalog with an id 'Catalog' found in your inheritance heirachy.
This is described in the Zope Book, chapter 12

I'm currently trying to be able to name the catalog you want each zclass 
to be associated with, rather than having to just use the default for 
everything, so check out that thread too.

Ben Avery

Chad Nantais wrote:

>What do I need to add to my product to make it update it's entry in a
>Catalog when it is entered, edited, or deleted?
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