[Zope] Help! FTP access shuts down Zope (solved) NOT!! [repost]

Mike Renfro renfro@tntech.edu
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 09:03:44 -0500

On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 09:48:30AM +0200, Roel Van den Bergh wrote:

> After starting with 'nohup' we got FTP access to Zope again.  But
> after 1 or 2 FTP logins (with no errors and clean exits) the
> retrieval of the filelisting fails and everything hangs again.  This
> occurs wheither we start normally or with the 'nohup' prefix.

If you keep the window where you had run the 'nohup' up, would you see
any text being printed to that console? If so, that's an unfortunate
intersection between product writers writing software that gives
warnings (or worse, still has debugging 'print' statements in it) and
a lack of nohup capturing both standard output and standard error.

As an example, at least on my 2.5.1 install (Debian packages of Zope
and Python, so I'm not sure where the fault lies yet), I get the
following on a Zope start:

Starting Zope...../usr/lib/zope/lib/python/ts_regex.py:15: DeprecationWarning: the regex module is deprecated; please use the re module
  import regex, regsub #, Sync
/usr/lib/python2.1/regsub.py:15: DeprecationWarning: the regsub module is deprecated; please use re.sub()
... done.


- Run Zope inside a screen session, and do any command-line restarts
  or stops from that screen session. 'screen' will fool any
  application into thinking it still has a terminal attached, even if
  you disconnect the session from your physical terminal and log
  out. You can reconnect to the screen session later, too, handy if
  you're not sure where the messages are coming from.

- Change how you run nohup, or force Zope's standard output and
  standard error descriptors away from the terminal. Something like:

  # ./start > /dev/null 2>&1

  in a Bourne-derived shell should do fine, and should be

Mike Renfro  / R&D Engineer, Center for Manufacturing Research,
931 372-3601 / Tennessee Technological University -- renfro@tntech.edu