[Zope] Re: What causes the community to stall so often?

Chris McDonough chrism@zope.com
Fri, 08 Mar 2002 09:32:15 -0500

> Is there a better way to document all these lumpy, bumpy aspects of the
> Z Object Publishing Environment?

I actually believe it's possible to document lots better; there could be 
much existing documentation reused and incorporated into a canonical 
place.  Much of the problem stems from the fact that inside Zope 
Corporation, it's sometimes difficult to concentrate on the strategic 
(rewriting existing documentation or writing new documentation) when 
there is so much immediate customer-driven work to be done.  This is why 
the recent plethora of (dead tree) Zope books is a Good Thing, in my 
opinion.  It would of couse be better to have free docs, but in lieu of 
those, commercial publishers and authors fill the vacuum quite nicely.
Chris McDonough                    Zope Corporation
http://www.zope.org             http://www.zope.com
"Killing hundreds of birds with thousands of stones"