[Zope] GMT offset

Richard Wesley hawkfish@trustedmedianetworks.com
Tue, 28 May 2002 15:29:18 -0700

At 3:17 PM -0700 5/28/02, Ian McMeans wrote:
>For some odd reason, <b tal:replace="here/bobobase_modification_time"/>
>returns a string like "2002/05/27 15:44:11.431 GMT-7". Now, this would
>normally be acceptable, except I'm in GMT -8!!

Except that you are not because all the GMT-8 time zones are 
currently observing one hour of DST (except Pitcairn Island, which I 
doubt is where you are posting from ;-)).  Hence GMT-7.

>Is there a way I can change that GMT offset? Also, is there a way I can
>change the bobobase formatting? (ie hh:mm DD/MM/YY GMT). I found
>documentation for DTML but not for ZPT formatting, and my experiment at
>using similar style formatting failed =)

I think they are DateTime objects so you could write a little Python 
script to return the string you want. <b 
tal:replace="here/bobobase_modification_time/myTimeFormat"/> or 


- rmgw


Richard Wesley                                  Trusted Media Networks, Inc.

"Does anybody really know what time it is?  Does anybody really care?"
       - Chicago