[Zope] Getting zctl.py To Start ftpd-- Was: Is Anyone Listening?? Port 8021 Isn't!

beno zope@thewebsons.com
Thu, 03 Oct 2002 05:35:43 -0400

It (finally) strikes me that the reason I can't get my ftpd started on port 
8021 is because I'm using InstanceHome and zctl.py, not the standard 
*start* script in the distro. So...How do I get ftpd started from zctl.py? 
Here's what the script has: I'm trying to figure out how to pass a flag or 
tweak the script. Suggestions?

     for client in clients:
         args = list(zope_args)
         if client != 'default':
             ZOPE_PORT = ZOPE_LOG = ZOPE_OPTS = ''
             CLIENT_HOME = pjoin(HERE, client)
             conf = pjoin(CLIENT_HOME, 'conf.py')
             if not (isdir(CLIENT_HOME) and isfile(conf)):
                 print 'Client configuration file "%s" was not found.' % conf
             execfile(conf, globals())
             args.append('"CLIENT_HOME=%s"' % CLIENT_HOME)
         if ZOPE_OPTS:
             args.insert(0, ZOPE_OPTS)
         if ZOPE_PORT:
             args.insert(0, '-P %s' % ZOPE_PORT)
         if ZOPE_LOG:
             args.append('"STUPID_LOG_FILE=%s"' % ZOPE_LOG)
         for k,v in ZOPE_ENV.items():
             env[k] = str(v)
         if ZEO:
         print 'Starting %s Zope...' % client
         run(cmd % string.join(args))

At 07:33 PM 10/2/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>the $@ just gathers all the command line stuff you typed after "start"


>the Z2.log file is your standard web log, it should be in the var
>directory.  you don't see it?  weird

Oops. It's under InstanceHome/var

>how are you verifying that 8021 is not working?  can you telnet to that

I can't telnet into my box (I could within the box, but forget how <:-) I 
can't use WS_FTP to get in on that port. Also, *netstat -n -a* doesn't show 
the port as being listened to.

>is it possible that 8021 is somehow locked down?  you could verify that
>8021 is operational by restarting zope to run on that port and surf to
>it -- edit your start script and give it a shot.

I'm almost certain the problem is with the zctl.py script at this point.