[Zope] IMG attributes in ZPT

Troy Farrell troy@entheossoft.com
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 22:40:24 -0500

Ouch.  No one bothered to correct my violation of the English language.
I'm here to second your request.

Troy Farrell wrote:
> Jon, I'm hear to second your request.  I got sick of the blatant XHTML 
> standards violation here, so I edited Image.py, commenting out lines 748 
> and 749.  Anyway, that fixes the direct call method.  I got sick of 
> editing source code for all the installs (and to lazy to make a 
> HotFix/Monkey Patch - religous debate anyone?), so for ZPT, I started 
> using this when I didn't want to hard code it:
> <img tal:define="image python:getattr(here.img,'guests_logo.png')"
>      tal:attributes="src image/absolute_url;
>                      height image/height;
>                      width image/width;
>                      alt image/title_or_id" style="border: 0;">
> This works for an image guests_logo.png stored in a subfolder img.
> HTH,
> Troy